Must Try Google Chrome Extensions for your business

Must Try Google Chrome Extensions for your business

A guest blog for the awesome duo that are Andrew and Pete. Google Chrome users, this is your list of must-try extensions and plugins for business. They’re the ultimate techy pick ’n’ mix! And they make a real difference to your focus, concentration and workflow each...

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Pivot Your Business To Run Online: How Jenny Did It

Pivot Your Business To Run Online: How Jenny Did It

Challenging times can mean it's time to look at how you run your business, and often a great solution is to pivot your business to run online. I'm going to share a little story that I hope will give you all a bit of hope today:   My good friend Jenny runs kids...

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How to Avoid A Poor User Experience in Facebook Ads

How to Avoid A Poor User Experience in Facebook Ads

 Soo, you've spent ages creating your Facebook Ad - you've got a great image and spent ages writing some clever copy. You're all excited to see your advert live and BAM! It's either not approved at all, or it's flagged as a 'poor user experience' and the reach of your...

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How to spark joy with your email list!

How to spark joy with your email list!

If you have a mailing list, the likelihood is you’ve met fellow business owners who feel that their thousands long email list is a source of immense pride. If there’s one thing I can tell you about mailing list sizes – it’s not the size that matters, at all! If you’ve been anywhere online recently, you will have heard of Marie Kondo, the Japanese organising consultant, author and developer of the ‘KonMari’ method of tidying – a method that encourages followers to only keep things that ‘spark joy’ and that speak to the heart.

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Do you need to disturb Mum?

Do you need to disturb Mum?

Click here for your FREE 'Do You Need To Disturb Mum' Download! We all need a bit of peace, right?! I scribbled this up just for fun, and a few of my lovely biz friends suggested I shared it with the world... so here's your own little boundary reinforcer 😉 ????...

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Tips To Keep Social Media Use Healthy

Tips To Keep Social Media Use Healthy

Social media is bad for our mental health - we hear that a lot. But is it always bad for our mental health?And if you do spend a lot of time on social media, how do you manage that?  A question I ask myself for two reasons: whenever I'm working, I'm on social media....

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How To Be A Brilliant Client

How To Be A Brilliant Client

Ok, you've looked for a freelancer, you've narrowed it down and had a chat, now you've found one you think would be a good fit. It's time to sign the contract and get started. And now you're thinking HOW do I actually pass work over to someone? HOW do you know what's...

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The Social Media Managers Toolkit

The Social Media Managers Toolkit

I should probably add I'm not scared of spending money or investing big in things like coaching, training, self-development - but after five years I'm a bit more savvy about what I actually 'need' to buy. That doesn't include all the courses, downloads, paid...

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